Duzce Float Glass


Investment Move from Düzce Float Glass
 24 June 2016

Investment Move from Düzce Float Glass

Düzce Float Glass will produce electricity by recovering energy from the flue gas of its facilities in Düzce. Düzce Float Glass Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ, Düzce II. He prepared a project to recover energy from flue gas in the Glass Production Facility, which continues to operate in the Organized Industrial Zone. Hydrogen and nitrogen production is also planned within the scope of the project.

How Will the System Work?
In order to achieve energy recovery from flue gas, waste flue gases coming from the melting furnace through channels will be directed to the waste heat boiler by a damper. As waste gases pass through the boiler, they will transfer heat energy to the ORC system. The ORC system and its turbo-generator will produce electric current. The current produced will be transferred to the distribution panel.

Investment Cost is 44.3 Million TL.
The area to be covered by the energy recovery from flue gas project was determined as 730 square meters. There are 2 waste heat conversion boilers within the scope of the project. Energy Recovery from Flue Gas project cost (10,000,000 € x 3.3575) 4.465.475 TL, for a total of 44.251.850 TL.

Will Be Sold in Hydrogen
The electricity to be produced within the scope of the energy recovery project at Düzce Float Glass facilities to be sold in Hydrogen will be used in the units required for the internal energy consumption of the facilities. The hydrogen and nitrogen produced will be used in the production process of the factory. It is also planned to sell hydrogen through a cylinder filling station.

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