Duzce Float Glass


Our Governor Mr. Selçuk Aslan Visited Our Factory.
 28 February 2024

Our Governor Mr. Selçuk Aslan Visited Our Factory.

Our esteemed Governor, Mr. Selçuk Aslan, visited Düzce Cam Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and received information about the production activities of our factory from Board Member Serap Gülaçtı Aktaş and Düzce Factory Manager Serkan Turgut.

Our Governor Mr. Selçuk Aslan Visited Our Factory.
Our Governor Mr. Selçuk Aslan Visited Our Factory.
Our Governor Mr. Selçuk Aslan Visited Our Factory.
Our Governor Mr. Selçuk Aslan Visited Our Factory.
 1274 people read the news

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