Düzce Float Glass
Duzce Float Glass
Duzce Float Glass

Duzce Float Glass

Düzce Float Glass was established in 2005, however, it applies its experience of over 30 years in the field of glass processing and logistics to float glass production. Having put into service its two float glass lines in 2010 and 2016, Düzce Float Glass has rapidly qualified to the top among the glass producers in Europe. Currently having a capacity of 1500 tons/day, Düzce Float Glass produces glass with thickness from 3 to 12 mm. Having laminate and mirror lines in addition to the float glass, Düzce Float Glass is about to complete its investment of magnetron coating line in order to address the widest range of products available in the glass industry. The secret of the company’s success lies in its highly enthusiastic and dynamic management staff that follow the latest trends and innovations in the production technology. The firm dedication to quality indicates itself as care for all elements of the value chain. In this context, Düzce Float Glass has set up a lorry fleet for its purposes, and transports its glass through these special vehicles.


Although Düzce Float Glass was established in 2005, it has carried over 30 years of experience in glass processing and logistics to float glass production too. Having commissioned two float lines in 2010 and 2016, Düzce Float Glass has rapidly risen to the top among glass manufacturers in Europe. With a current capacity of 1750 tons/day, Düzce Cam produces glass thicknesses between 2 and 12 mm.


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In order to leave a cleaner, environmentally friendly and livable world to future generations, we aim to know and evaluate the energy, climate, environment and natural resources and manage the resources with the planned investments, and at the same time, we take care to adopt a healthy and quality lifestyle.


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